TeamSpeak V5 (EN)
Frequently asked questions about TeamSpeak V5. Can't find what you're looking for? You can find potential answers to your concern using our search bar or you can click "help" at the bottom right of this page to send us a message so we can further assist you with your concern.
- I want to change my username, however I keep receiving an error message. Is this working?
- I can't find the option to delete myTeamSpeak account. How do I do this?
- I've redeemed a badge code, but it's not showing anywhere? Why?
- Future features for TeamSpeak V5?
- Where have the forums gone?
- When is TeamSpeak V5 releasing?
- Rooms - How do I join a room & how do I create a room?
- I need some help with a 3rd party plugin. Can TeamSpeak assist?
- What is the account recovery key and what can I do if I lose this?
- What are bookmarks?
- How to import bookmarks and identities from TS3 to TeamSpeak V5?
- Where are the permissions?