Technical Support - Server
- What is the minimum requirements for a TS3 server?
- Which ports does the TeamSpeak 3 server use?
- What is the default permission set in a new TeamSpeak 3 server installation?
- What is a virtual server snapshot, how is it used, and are there any guidelines I should be aware of?
- virtualserver started too many times in a certain time period
- virtual server is running elsewhere, shutting down!
- Server is crashing with error "epoll: Function not implemented". How to fix?
- Server address resolution and TSDNS changes with Client 3.1.x
- On Unix the server terminates on startup and the message reads "Server() error while starting servermanager, error: instance check error". How do I fix this?
- I'm about to upgrade my TeamSpeak 3 Server. What can I do to make sure my permission system is upgraded automatically?
- I want to move my server to another machine, which files should I copy?
- I am on a Mac and I have downloaded the licensekey.dat file but my server is not accepting it. How can I fix this?
- I am a Server Admin but still cannot access everything because of insufficient permissions. How do I fix this?
- How to configure the TS3 server to use an HTTPS Proxy for backend communication
- How to accept the server license agreement (Server >= 3.1.0)
- How do I set up my own non-commercial TS3 server?
- How do I modify a virtual server's max clients (max concurrent user connections)?
- How do I delete an existing virtual server?
- How do I create a new virtual server?
- How do I change or reset the password of the serveradmin Server Query account?
- How do I change my ServerQuery Admin password?
- How do I allow normal users to upload avatars?
- How do I add or remove my server from the Server List?
- How can I restrict access to my TeamSpeak 3 Servers?
- How can I link to my TeamSpeak 3 server on my webpage?
- How can I convert a MySQL database to an SQLite database (or the other way around)