You can conveniently rent your own low cost and affordable TeamSpeak 3 server by following these steps:
1) Visit our TeamSpeak 3 Hosters website:
2) To determine the right location where you should rent your TS3 server, you need to take into account where all your users are located, and choose the most central location to all of your users. For example, if most of your gaming buddies are located in the same state, i.e California, then rent your server in California. However, if most of users are located all over the USA, then choose an ATHP from Texas, since this state is central to the USA. Finally, if you have users all over the USA, and also in Europe, a location like New York might be better, since it is somewhat central to most of your users, especially taking into account your European users. For this example we’ll rent a server from a Texas ATHP.
3) Click on the continent where you reside or are interested in renting your TS3 server (i.e. North America).
4) Zoom into the country of interest by clicking on it (i.e. USA).
5) Zoom into the state of interest by clicking on it (i.e. Texas).
6) Below the map, you will see a list of all the ATHPs in that state (or country) that has three columns: ‘Company Name’, ‘Headquarters’, and ‘Hoster Since’. We recommend that you visit a few ATHPs and compare their TS3 server’s pricing and get a feel for their website.
7) Once you decide which ATHP is right for you, simply complete their registration process and order your TS3 server online through their webpage. After you complete the order process and pay, your TS3 server will be up and running within a business day and a lot of the times within an hour, depending on the ATHP. When your TS3 server is created and configured, you will be provided with the info needed to connect to your TS3 server.
8) Provide this info to any friend, clan/guild member that you want to connect to your TS3 server and point them to our download page ( to download and install the TeamSpeak 3 client, if they don’t already have it.
9) If they need assistance installing and configuring their TeamSpeak 3 client, they can visit our tutorials’ page located here: and reference the tutorial as needed (C1.1 TeamSpeak 3 Client – Windows Installation and Setup). Again, we recommend that you watch entire tutorial once and on the second time, pause the tutorial and follow along.
10) Finally, we also provide TeamSpeak 3 Quickstart Guides for Windows and Mac as additional reference material to complement and enhance the TeamSpeak 3 Client installation and configuration experience.
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