This FAQ Article covers how to add or remove a server from the Server List (in the TeamSpeak 3 Client: Connections, Server List), how to adapt the filter properly and how to grant or revoke the permission to toggle the server reporting to the Server List.
Before going into much detail about specific problems, please note:
The Server List only contains up to 100 servers matching your search criteria. If there are more than 100 servers matching your criteria, a randomised list of 100 servers will be shown. Parts of the list are cached in the client meaning that this list will not be completely regenerated upon executing the same search. Some servers might therefore appear to occur more often across several searches.
My server is not in the Server List, how do I add it?
First of all your server might actually be in the server list but your filtering could be wrong. In the Server List, set Country, Region and City to either "All" or, if you know in which area the server is hosted, the correct location. Also uncheck "Hide empty servers", "Hide full servers", "Servers with X to Y users" and "Servers with X to Y slots". Now click on "Advanced Filter" on the bottom of the filter and select "Show all" for both options. Now retry your query with the servers' name in the "Server name" section.
If you are renting a server
You might not have the permission to change whether or not your server will be listed on the web-list. If you do you can change it as follows: Right click on your servers' name, Edit Virtual Server, click on the "More" button, select the "Misc" tab, check "Enable reporting to server list" and hit "Apply".
If your server still does not appear in the server list after this or if you don't have the permission to check the checkbox, please contact your hoster.
If you are hosting your server
Please note: The port range (UDP out): 2011-2110 must not be blocked. For a list of all required ports, see here.
You should have access to the "serveradmin" Server Query account.
Please establish a connection to the Server Query interface using any telnet client (such as Putty). The default query port is 10011. Please replace anything written in capital letters:
login serveradmin SERVERADMIN_PASSWORD
serveredit virtualserver_weblist_enabled=1
You will need to repeat the steps above for any server on which you would like to enable the web-list reporting.
Please note: You can use "use 0" instead of "use port=SOME_VOICE_PORT" to edit the template server. Making any changes to the template server will only affect new virtual servers on this instance that you might create in the future.
How do I give/revoke my customers the permission to toggle the web-list reporting?
Just like above please establish a telnet connection to the Server Query interface.
To add this permission to a single server group, please execute the following commands:
login serveradmin SERVERADMIN_PASSWORD
servergroupaddperm sgid=GROUP_ID permsid=b_virtualserver_modify_weblist permvalue=1 permskip=0 permnegated=0|permsid=i_needed_modify_power_virtualserver_modify_weblist permvalue=75 permskip=0 permnegated=0
Again, you can also edit the template groups. By default the template server groups have the following group IDs:
Server Admin: 3
Normal: 4
Guest: 5
So the commands here would be to add this permission to the Server Admin's template group:
login serveradmin SERVERADMIN_PASSWORD
servergroupaddperm sgid=3 permsid=b_virtualserver_modify_weblist permvalue=1 permskip=0 permnegated=0|permsid=i_needed_modify_power_virtualserver_modify_weblist permvalue=75 permskip=0 permnegated=0
You can also use the servergroupautoaddperm
command to add this permission to an entire group of server groups (eg. all Server Admin groups). Whether a group is considered to be a Server Admin / Normal / Guest / Query Guest / etc the group is determined by its i_group_auto_update_type:
The known values for sgtype are:
- 10: Channel Guest
- 15: Server Guest
- 20: Query Guest
- 25: Channel Voice
- 30: Server Normal
- 35: Channel Operator
- 40: Channel Admin
- 45: Server Admin
- 50: Query Admin
So to add this permission to all existing Server Admin groups (including its template group), please execute the following commands:
login serveradmin SERVERADMIN_PASSWORD
servergroupautoaddperm sgtype=45 permsid=b_virtualserver_modify_weblist permvalue=1 permskip=0 permnegated=0|permsid=i_needed_modify_power_virtualserver_modify_weblist permvalue=75 permskip=0 permnegated=0
servergroupaddperm sgid=3 permsid=b_virtualserver_modify_weblist permvalue=1 permskip=0 permnegated=0|permsid=i_needed_modify_power_virtualserver_modify_weblist permvalue=75 permskip=0 permnegated=0
To revoke those permissions, please execute:
login serveradmin SERVERADMIN_PASSWORD
servergroupautodelperm sgtype=45 permsid=b_virtualserver_modify_weblist|permsid=i_needed_modify_power_virtualserver_modify_weblist
servergroupdelperm sgid=3 permsid=b_virtualserver_modify_weblist|permsid=i_needed_modify_power_virtualserver_modify_weblist
Or these commands to remove it from a single server group:
login serveradmin SERVERADMIN_PASSWORD
servergroupdelperm sgid=GROUP_ID permsid=b_virtualserver_modify_weblist|permsid=i_needed_modify_power_virtualserver_modify_weblist
How do I remove my server from the server list?
Uncheck the checkbox in the server settings, or execute "serveredit virtualserver_weblist_enabled=0" instead of "serveredit virtualserver_weblist_enabled=1".
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